Manifesto Mentorship

Source: Mara Wears Stripes

Manifesto Mentorship

with Rob Hardy

Source: alinnerodrix

Hi friend. I'm Rob, and I help people write and publish spicy personal manifestos.

Why manifestos? As Visa so eloquently put it, "well-arranged words rearrange reality."

I've spent the past eleven years of writing on the internet. It never ceases to amaze me that when I publish about the future I imagine, and the principles I want to live up to, my life begins to open and expand in unexpected ways—emotionally, relationally, economically.

My manifestos have helped me make friends around the world, start and grow businesses, get freelance gigs, a full time job, and even find romance. These pieces of writing have helped me shed old stories, evolve, and grow from an insecure and wayward 20-something, into the man I am today. And they will continue to help me renew and grow into this next season of life.

Writing a manifesto, I've learned, is the process of grappling with questions many of us spend our lives avoiding. What do I want? What's in the way? Who am I becoming? What do I stand for? Why does our world feel so broken, so much of the time? What might be possible for me? For all of us? What if I made the leap?

When you write a manifesto, you're choosing to draw a line in the sand. To define yourself instead of letting the world do it for you. And when you hit publish, you say goodbye to the default path, and take the first step towards telling a larger, more beautiful story with your life.

Again, well-arranged words rearrange reality.

Manifesto Mentorship is a 3-month partnership between you and me. It's part soul searching. Part writing coaching. Part internet marketing bootcamp. Part accountability. I'll walk alongside you, guiding in every way I can, as you step on to the path of using well-chosen words to shape reality.

In month one, we'll dig, unearthing vast amounts of raw material. The stories and moments that have defined you. The hurts you hide. The ideals you strive towards. The injustices you cannot abide. The human beneath all those years of performing and striving for ideals other than your own. The world you know exists for you just beyond the horizon.

In month two, we'll distill our discovery. We'll suss out the essence. The bits that scare and enliven you in equal measure. We'll shape this molten core, blow by artisanal blow, into a piece of writing that resonates in your chest and heart every time you read it. We'll sweat the details and get it right.

In month three, you will say a final prayer to the manifesto gods, and hit publish. You will inject your vision into the slipstream of the internet. You will begin finding the others, and letting them find you. And most importantly, you will begin living into your vision, with tiny but meaningful steps. With valiant imperfection, you will start aligning your day-to-day reality with the words you committed to the page.

I can't make any promises about what your life will look like after these three months. But what I do know is owning who you are, what you want, and where you want to go in life pays extraordinary dividends. It’s the work of becoming more fully yourself in a world that’s always pressuring you to conform to its mechanical, inhuman standards.

So yeah, that’s the vision. If you wanna jump on a call and see if we're a good fit to work together, you can grab a time in my scheduler.

Talk soon amigo!

-Rob Hardy

Source: uhlsport
Source: Montblanc